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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 45-47 Things are looking up!

Hello Everyone,

Yes, things are looking up!!! I received preliminary results that my bone marrow biopsy did not show leukemic cells, however, my Oncologist has not said the "R" (remission) word until the final pathology report is complete.  The biopsy also showed that my Myelodysplastic Syndrome is still prevalent in my marrow, which was expected, given a genetic abnormality is still likely present in my marrow.  When I get my bone marrow transplant, my marrow will be obliterated by radiation and chemo, which will take care of the MDS as well as the leukemia.

My infectious disease physician let me know today I need to stay on my IV Ampho B for about two more weeks to make sure the Valley Fever is kept in check.  My swelling and joint pain continues to subside and I am walking without my walker!

What does this all mean?  My interpretation and hope is that I will be going home very soon to get some R&R before I get my transplant!  Once the I get the official remission word that should do it and I will just need to come in as an out-patient daily for the IV Ampho B treatment. 

This also means a preliminary search will be started for potential stem cell donors for my transplant! So thank you for those of you who have donated blood and have been tested for the bone marrow registry.  The bone marrow transplant coordinator here at Scripps mentioned that even the National Bone Marrow Registry has noted a spike in bone marrow registry registrations here in the San Diego area!  I believe that is due to all of you and your gift of possibly giving the gift of life to someone some day! Thank you and God bless you all!!!

I had great visits this week from Joe and Sharon who brought by some bracelets that I have been giving to BMT unit staff and friends who come by who have not received them yet.  Thanks again Joe and Sharon for all you have done.  I love you both!!!

On Tuesday I got to spend a lot of time with Theresa, Rachel, Olivia and my Mom.  We did homework, played games and just chilled.  Theresa, the girls, and my Mom have been so strong and have made this part of my journey easy by keeping my spirits up and reminding me why I am fighting this disease.  I love you all!!!

Today my Grandma Joyce came by for a very nice visit and brought me some bunt cake goodies and as usual made me laugh!  Our friend Joao from the neighborhood came by to harass me and the nurses ;-).  Thank you for the visit Joao!  I also had a very nice visit from our friends Pete, Sherri and Kaila.  Kaila had given me a Rasta Mickey Mouse hat a few weeks ago so I wore out to the lobby which was good for some laughs.  It was great to see Pete, Sherri and Kaila.  Thank you for the visit during your busy day!!!

I've been anemic so I received a blood transfusion today and took a good long afternoon nap.

I can't say thank you enough to all of you for all your thoughts, prayers and strength that you have given me!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!



  1. Things are looking up indeed! Great news and even better news to come for sure.

  2. Hi John,
    How blessed we all are this Christmas season to know that the cancer cells are gone and you will be heading home to your family soon. While you wait for your transplant never forget how far you have come and how successfully you conquered the obstacles thrown in your path up to this point. Your patience and perseverance has paid off.

    Love you, cindy

    PS have fun with Larry this weekend:) wish I was going to with him

  3. Hey John
    Congratulations on the test results! You are blessed with a strong constitution and faith that have been strengthened by family and friends. God has sent you an Angel to sit on your shoulder and vector your way to remission.

    Give the girls a big hug. You'll be home for Christmas!


