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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 40-44

Hello everyone,

My apologies for not keeping day to day updates on the blog!

After being here a little over 6 weeks now and coming off a big set back with the Valley Fever infection most of my days are spent working with physical therapy on my walking.  Everyday the pain and swelling in my feet, ankles, calves, knees and thighs is improving.  My hands, wrists, forearms, and upper arms were also effected by the Valley Fever and are improving day by day...and yes, the toe is improving as well!

I miss being home with my girls and Theresa, which has been trying at times, but one thing I have learned is to put things into perspective.  I think about our Nation's servicemen abroad who are away from their families months or years at a time and I tell myself, I don't have it so bad. My thanks, thoughts, and prayers go out to all those serving and sacrificing being away from their families. 

I do get to see Theresa almost everyday and the girls at least a couple of times a week.  I've also had so many family and friends visit which also helps, so thank you everyone!

The good news is that I am no longer neutropenic which means my immune system is back!   I can resume a normal diet (yeah!!).  I am still anemic and low on platelets but have not needed a transfusion in about 4 days!  I am scheduled to get my bone marrow biopsy tomorrow (Monday) to determine if I am in remission.  I am hopeful and thank you for all your continued prayers and support in getting me to this point!

My Infections Disease doctor wants to keep me on the Ampho B until my joint pain and swelling subside.  Given Ampho B is an IV medication with potentially dangerous side effects, I need to be in the hospital to get it.  So, once I find out the results of the bone marrow biopsy and my Valley Fever symptoms subside I should know more about when I can go home.

I have had so many nice visits this past week and I want to thank everyone for taking time to come see me which is always a spirit booster!  We are surrounded by so much love and support it is amazing!!!

My aunt Debbie brought me a giant Martini shaker...mmmm, can't wait!  My Dad made it out from El Paso and hung out Friday, Saturday and this morning which was nice.  My mother and father in-law stopped by for a nice visit today (Sunday).  Our friends Barry, Dave, and Wes put up our Christmas lights outside our house this weekend! Thank you my friends! My brother in-law Joe came and took Gabe for a long walk with Charlie. Thank you Joey, I know Gabe needed it! My step-father Jim and nephew Adrian made it all the way down to San Diego for the weekend from Paso Robles to visit and helped Theresa get the house ready for a carpet cleaning.  Thank you Jimmy and Adrian! Marijo from work stopped by while her daughters were at acting class and brought me some comfy pillow cases, thank you Marijo!

Below are some pictures of all the nice visits during the past 5 days.

I love you all!

Shannon and Page

Thank you for the card, voodoo doll of strength, and activity letter from Jack and the visit!!!


Thank you for the visit Brad and the uplifting get well card from the girls!!!

The Pascual Family

The Pascual's visited and brought a nice soft beanie and some donut holes, yummy!!!

Rich and Hazel

Papa and Mama Pascual, thank you for the visit!

My Princesses by the Christmas tree!

My Princesses visited to brighten my weekend!  They also teamed up with my Mom this weekend to bake me a pineapple upside down was delicious!!!

My Little Princesses!

Thank you for the visit this weekend girls!!! Thank you for the love, hugs, kisses, tears, laughs, and chocolate chip cookies!!!

Grandpa comes to town!

My Dad made it out from El Paso for a weekend visit.  Thanks Pops!

San Diego Mission de Alcala

Thanks for lighting some candles at the San Diego Mission Pops!


  1. Hi honey! I know it was very hard tonight! The girls said it was tough saying goodbye to you. They did not want to leave you at the hospital! My heart was breaking just watching them feel so sad. Your mom and I will be there tomorrow for your bone marrow biopsy to help you get through it. I am so glad having visitors boosts your spirits! You are a sweet and amazing man! I can tell you are great by the awesome friends you have! Barry, Dave, and Wes came to put the lights up outside! What great guys! And Joe came and took Gabe for a long walk with Charlie. Joe is so sweet! Can you tell we have great people surrounding us? Hang in there baby! We are still here waiting for you!!! Love always, Theresa xoxo Ps.You forgot to mention Jim and Adrian making it all the way down from Paso Robles! :)

  2. Thank you Princess, yes it was hard last night and I know the girls will get through this as will I. Thank you for posting all the other information about Dave, Barry, Wes, Joe, Jim and Adrian! That's why we've been married for 22 years, you are always there for me! i will update the post :-) I can't wait to see you and my mom today. Love you!

  3. Barry, Wes and I wanted to go "ALL GRISWALD" on your house but Theresa kept us in check. We are all anxiously awaiting your return home. I have been searching for a light-up martini glass for your front yard. LOVE YOU MAN,

  4. If we are going with Christmas theme, then will have to get the leg lamp for the front window too. John, you need to post about the result of the most recent test. Good news does travel fast and we are all looking forward to seeing you home.


  5. So happy to see all the amazing people you have surrounding you, Theresa and those sweet girls of yours! Happy Grampa Ralphie made it out to see is awesome! MIss and love you guys! Kristi, Ben, Will and Ryan
