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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 36-39


Thank you so much for all of your kind posts, prayers and well wishes as I got over this difficult bump. 

The Infectious Disease physician confirmed the diagnosis as Valley Fever (Coccidiodmycosis, which is a fungus) this morning.  The doctors said it can lie dormant and since I lived in Arizona for 11 plus years, I may have contracted it there, fought it since my immune system was good, but it tends to leave spores dormant in joints, bones, and other parts of the body.  Once my immune system was wiped out, it took advantage and lit things up! 

It was rough going as Theresa noted in her previous post until they were able to dial in on the preliminary diagnosis which was confirmed by a biopsy they took from my right forearm on Thanksgiving. 

Before Thanksgiving my entire body was in pain with lumps, streaks and lesions turning up on every limb and joint.  I had been running a fever since the Saturday prior and things just seemed to be getting worse. Theresa stayed overnight with me on Thursday (Thanksgiving) and Friday (Our 22nd Anniversary!). 

Having Theresa with me on those very difficult days gave me whole feeling that kept me fighting so that I can soon be home with her everyday.  I could not move a muscle in my body and she helped feed me, clean me, give me water, and just hold my hands when fear was reaching for me.  Your love for me never has to be explained, I saw it in your eyes those difficult nights and your love held me fight with strength and peace and I knew I would be ok. Thank you Princess!!!

The docs had been treating me with a broad spectrum of antibiotics and anti fungals until Saturday when they started me on the big gun, Amphotericin B, which is the most effective drug to fight Valley Fever.  They let us know that AmphoB comes with significant side effects like kidney damage, liver damage, severe shaking (rigors), high fever, sweats, etc... 

I got to see the girls and my mom on Saturday which lifted my spirits beyond what I can explain in words.  Holding them, hugging them, kissing them, listening to them, and just being with them filled my heart with more love, strength and determination to fight, fight, fight!!!

Rachel's friend Megan and her mom Erin came by for a quick visit on Sunday and brought me a cool Chargers sweatshirt.  Thank you Connors family for all your love, prayers and support you have all given our family during this difficult time!!!

The first dose on Saturday evening went off with out a hitch but Sunday morning I woke up with both my right and left legs, thigh to toes, swollen like I'd never seen...yes, I had cankles, huge calves, huge knees, and huge thighs.  On both Saturday and Sunday physical therapy came in and got me walking with a walker which felt great but tapped my energy.  I continued getting blood and platelets as well.

The second dose of AmphoB on Sunday evening, came with what they call "shake and bake".  After the dose had completed, Theresa was just finishing helping me freshen up and clothe me when I started feeling a chill, then came the shaking.  My whole body was shaking and Theresa held my hand and told me to be strong.  The nurses immediately started giving me Demerol, used to control the rigors (shakes) and by the second dose the shakes had subsided.  Then came the high fever which was treated with Tylenol and ice packs.  

I will continue with the AmphoB unitl my lesions, sore lumps, joint/muscle pain, and swelling subside.  The good news is that there are no new lesions or lumps since Sunday, so I am winning the fight with your thoughts, prayers, strength, love, and good drugs!

My good friend Barry came  by for a quick lunch time visit and brought me a Golf short story book.   Thank you for the visit Barry!!!

Theresa also came by for lunch and stayed until the early evening.  We got a surprise visit from our friend Tiffany. 

Just started my 4th round of AmphoB and the Demerol is kicking in, so please have a great evening and hopefully I will be back to blogging daily soon.

Take care and God bless you all!

Love, John


  1. Hi John,
    How wonderful it is to hear your voice through written words again. We have missed you, but never have you left our thoughts and prayers! Once again you are proving your strength and determination in fighting this disease and all it brings your way; Thank you God.

    Rachel once told me that she feels sorry for Tuesday because nothing special ever happens on it. Jokingly I will send her Happy Tuesday text, today truly is a HAPPY TUESDAY! May tonights sleep be full of peace and comfort.

    LOVE YOU, cindy

  2. Hello John,

    It was wonderful to see your back blogging. Reading the last blog from Theresa got everyone worried. Everyone in the office was asking about you. I am very glad that you were able to fight this disease. I always knew that you had the strength and resolve to overcome this setback. You are fortunate to have Theresa by your side helping to keep you strong and fighting.


  3. Hey John
    Glad you are feeling better after all the chemicals they have been giving you. Most happy that you and Theresa were able to spend your Anniversary together!

    Keep the Faith! Lot's of prayers going your way from individuals and prayer groups, all the way from Japan to Portlans, to Washington, to Arizona, and Texas.

    Love you and see you soon,


  4. The best new ever is that you are once again able to write on your blog. I don't think I can find the words to describe the anguish we have been going through here in El Paso, being so far and unable to come to see you. Ralphie has been counting the days until his visit. You are so loved, John. Your strengh, your love of family and friends,and the love of your family and friends and, of course, God, will pull you through this.
    Love you! By the way, I have tried to comment before, but I'm so inept, I keep messing it up! I hope this makes it.


  5. Hi John!

    I was so excited to see your blog today. I was so concerned after Theresa's last post.

    Hang in there! You can win this battle.


  6. Man, that's some rough stuff you went through on top of what you've already been going through. What can I say other than you're one tough dude!

    I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!

    Lots of love,


  7. Hola my friend,
    sorry that I had to cancel my visit today, as hard as it was, but bringing my friends "runny nose and cough" along with me wouldn't have been a good idea. I did make it by the blood bank to get on the marrow donor list finally though. Keep up the good work, tough guy, you are one impressive person. Make T let me put up your xmas lights! She's being difficult with me.
    Love you man!

  8. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Theresa, the girls, and your parents in El Paso. Fight on, John! The power of love will prevail.
    Larry and Julia

  9. Johnny,

    I know you and I go back and forth a lot, making fun about our ancenstries and proclivity to our respective lifestyles (insert your "Hard Headed Redneck" comment here), but after this brave, outstanding fighting, I would have to say you are now an Honorary Irishman! (Though, normally we Irish are identified by our bar fighting, not our disease fighting! ;) ) - So, my friend, here's to you:
    You will beat this.
