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Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 17 - Nice day of family and friend visits!


Day 16 ended with a little nausea, but I think it was more due to the fact that Arizona lost to Stanford (17-42 ).  Seems their offense and defense decided not to show up.  However, my Offense and Defense are definitely a show and are up to fighting hard with all your love, thoughts, best wishes and prayers!!!

Day 17 started with getting some more platelets, par for the course.  I received my 3rd and final dose of the daunorubicin (I call it my "Jello Shooter") today and will continue the Ara-C for another 5 days.


Our good friends Tod, Tiffiny and their daughter Camille came by for a very nice visit.  I usually take Olivia and Camille to middle school as part of the carpool, so it was nice to see Camille and get caught up on her lizard Charlie (a bearded dragon lizard) that I have taken care of while they were out of town.  Thank you for coming by Tiff, Tod and Camillie!

In addition to watching NFL football, I had many visits today.  My Mom, Jim, and nephew Adriane came by to say good by.  Jim and Adriane came by to pick up my Mom this weekend. My Mom has been in town since Day 0 to help Theresa with the kids.  Mama, I can't thank you enough for all your help!!! You are truly and angel and we will miss you, but look forward to seeing you in another week.  Rest up and God Bless you for all you have done Mama!  When I told the girls last Friday that I'd have to hang out at the hospital, they were of course not too happy and Rachel was upset.  On their way home from the hospital, Adriane shared an iPod song with Rachel "Don't stop believing" by Journey.  That cheered her up including him diving into some bushes to make her laugh!!!  Thank you Adriane!  You are a little angel and making my baby feel better after a rough day touched my heart!  Thank you little buddy!

I also had a visit from my Grandma Joyce and Uncle John.  I showed off my mullet wig for my best impersonation of my step-dad Jim (circa 1990's) :-).  Go Joe Dirt!

Theresa picked up our Comadre Cindy at the airport and came by for a visit with the girls!  Cindy will be in town for a week.  It was so nice to see her and give her a big hug!  She brought me a very special letter from her husband Larry and he sent me his Medal from last June's Rock-n-Roll Marathon here in San Diego.  We were there to cheer him across the finish line and he has lent me his Medal for inspiration to finish this race I am in...Thank you Compira, it means a lot to me!!! Thank you for sparing Cindy for a week and don't have too many parties (Sorry about Texas losing!).

Good friends and teachers from my daughter's elementary school came by for a very sweet visit.  Mary and Lindsay brought me lots of sweet treats, two cool books and lots of hugs!  Mary even brought me Rachel's math test to sign (Rae did great!).  Thank you so much for the visit Mary and Lindsay!


My cousin Kathy and her partner Sharon drove all the way down from Santa Cruz on their way to Texas for a visit.  It was so nice of them, because they had just gotten back from New York the night before, made the extra trip down to San Diego and now headed to Texas!  They brought me some holy water and a scapula from St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC, a soft beanie, and the coolest Golf Shoe Slippers ever!!!  I'm entering the hospital fashion show for sure!  Thank you Kathy and Sharon!!!

Take care everyone and thanks again for checking in!

Love you,

1 comment:

  1. John, I think you basically said it was okay for me to have at least one party while Cindy is over there, just not too many. I like your thinking ;-)
