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Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 11 - Recovery day

Hi and thank you all for your posts yesterday and today.  I also received many texts, phone calls and emails to wish me well!  All your thoughts and prayers came through and I finally broke my fever at about midnight last night.  My Mom came and camped out with me at night since the girls needed their Mama at home.  Thank you Mom!

Still sporting the doo
Today I got more antibiotics to help me ward off any more infection, but is expected that I can get febrile again this week.  According to the statistics day 10 is when most folks get these neutropenic fevers, start loosing hair (but as you can see I am trying hard to hang on to my doo), and get some mouth sores.  I was 1 for 3 yesterday which is a good thing. My scalp is hurting quite a bit, which is sign of the follicles getting ready to release the hair before the clumping begins later this week.  The girls are still planning to give me a Mohawk before I sport my new look :-)

Both a good friend and a coworker told me that "when the going gets tough, the tough get tougher!"  I couldn't agree more and even though this thing will lay me out every once in a while I will get tougher for the next battle. 

Rachel, Tommy, Olivia, Izzy
The thing I was bummed out about the most yesterday was not being able to see the girls in their Halloween costumes, but here are some pics of them with their cousins Izzy and Tommy...spooky and beautiful (kinda like me and Theresa, and yes in that order!).  They still plan on wearing their costumes when the come shave my head! 

Here is another pic of my Gabey hanging at his uncles and aunts house.

I love you all, thank you all for the love and support!


  1. Hi John,
    Theresa said that yesterday was pretty rough for you so I am glad to see that your smile is back today. I agree with your friend, you are definitely getting tougher as you move through the different stages the chemo and it's effects bring your way; a strength that I Thank God for everyday. Hang in there, you are doing great! I am so proud to call you my friend:) Love, cindy

    P.S. the horns didn't listen to you:(

  2. Hey John,
    I'm afraid we drove everybody crazy yesterday with asking how you were. For a Jewish girl, I've never been to church so much in my life. Don't those kids look adorable in their costumes? We had no trick-or-treaters in our old people neighborhood here. Here's to a much better Halloween next year all the way around. You sure are amazing - I would be complaining like HELL!
    Love you, Nina

  3. Hi Johnny - I hope the pictures helped a little. Gabe and Charlie had fun and as usual tired each other out. The kids had fun seeing each other. Wonder Women battled Skeletor while Cleopatra and some blue haired Japanese "witch" watched the action.

    You're looking good. I know your not feeling well but I hope you still have some appetite...Manga...manga!

    Take care buddy, Joe

  4. Hi John,

    I am so amazed and inspired by you. No matter what comes your way, your gentle spirit and contagious smile continue on. I'm glad you are feeling the love and strength all your cheerleaders are sending your way on a daily basis. Many people love you and are saying non-stop prayers to help you get through this!

    Love you,

  5. I am glad to see that smile today! I keep bugging my sister with texts asking if she needs any help and of course how you are doing. You are always on my mind and I hope to visit soon. Love you, Laura
