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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 10 Another bump

Hi friends and family,
Happy Halloween! It's Theresa here.  I'm helping John add to his blog today because he is not feeling too well.  The effects of the chemo are beginning to show.  He has a fever and feels like he has the flu. Our girls were going to come visit John today in  their costumes , but we will have to wait another day.  Please continue to pray for John.  Thank you for all your support and kindness!! Have a fun Halloween! This is John's favorite holiday....damn cancer.   
Theresa (and John)
ps. John still has his hair :)


  1. Happy halloweener John... thinking of you.

  2. Happy Halloween John!
    Sorry to hear that your day did not start off great, I was so looking forward to seeing your mohawk picture:) Praying that these side effects go away as quickly as they came. Love, cindy

  3. Hey Juanito -
    Hang in there!! You are in my thoughts and I am sending you much love and strength - you beat this !!!
    Love - Your Cuz Kathy

  4. John
    Be strong I said a prayer for you at church today. I know you can beat this.


    Bonz, Tiphanie, Samantha and Melania

  5. Well my friend, I hope I was able to entertain everyone since that is my purpose in life. I gave extra candy and giant hugs for the girls as well as your mom and Pedro. THIIIIIING 1 and THIIIIIING 2 missed you tonight. Hope to see you tomorrow if you are up for it. Love you man,

  6. Thinking of you, John. Thanks for the blog - you are an inspiration. Hang in there. We are all in your corner.

  7. Hi John, our thoughts are with you. We hope you are feeling better today. Keep fighting. You WILL beat this! Love you, Sharon and Joe

  8. Bonjour John, Thanks for the news and keep your smile. You're attitude in this blog is inspiring. Knock this ill John and see you soon.
    Serge Beaudry

  9. Hey John! Keep up the fight and the positive vibe! Your in our thoughts everyday!

  10. Hi John and Theresa and Olivia and Rachel,
    Everyone has lots of prayers for you. We went to church at the place where Grandpa and Grandma got married, San Ignacio. We left several prayers in their spirit.

    We also had family over and said prayers for your quick remission. Enjoy the pictures.

    Bear Down, John


    Dad and Nina
