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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 9 - I love weekends!

Day 9 started with waking up from a good night's sleep after a long day 8.  The redness and swelling in my arm went down and only a little pain was left.  It rained here in San Diego this morning, but the clouds cleared just as I was eating breakfast so I enjoyed a beautiful view of Torrey Pines and the Pacific!

Kaila and Calista in full Costume!

I took a little walk around the lobby and put my votes in for the pumpkin contest the hospital had going on out there.  My favorite was the South Park theme, but the Cinderella one was nice too.

The Mellos came by last night and Kaila and Calista showed off their cute Halloween costumes and brought by a nice family picture book that I mentioned in yesterday's post.

I had a few dizzy spells in the morning due to dehydration, so I got back on my D-D-D to get some fluids.  My appetite is still very good and the food is definitely tasting foody again :-d  I have noticed my energy level is about 1/3rd of what it was last week, but that is normal and due to my white cell counts basically being down to zero.  Rest, reading, college football (Arizona beat UCLA...Go Cats!), and visitors were just the right thing today.

Sandy, T and Me
I forgot to post Sandy's picture from the other day when she visited and brought me all the fortune cookies and Bombay for my IV...sorry Sandy!

T and Me getting Comfy
My daughter Olivia and Theresa came to see me today.  Olivia need help with some math so it was fun to be in the thick of homework again!!!   Theresa and Olivia looked beautiful and made the perfect lunch guests!  It was a picture perfect afternoon!

Mike, Max, Me and Olivia
My brother Michael and my nephew Max came by for a visit and we had fun talking about high school football, school, bowel movements, and gas ;-).  One our neighbor's son Stephen plays for Scripps Ranch High School and they played my brother's team (Mike is the head varsity coach at Patrick Henry High School).   Unfortunate, my Alma mater Patrick Henry lost (don't worry Mike I wont post the score),  but Stephen's dad Ken grabbed a cool picture after the game with my brother (Stephen, the big guy in the middle, Mike third from right).  Thanks Ken, awesome picture...what you feeding that boy?!

T, Max, Me and Olivia

Stephen and my Bro

My buddy Barry and his daughter Erica came buy for a nice visit just after Theresa and Olivia left.  I did what any dad's friend would do and gave Erica a hard time about her boyfriend Connor.  Sorry I forgot to grab a picture, but you get an IOU next time you come visit!  We talked about plans for the Halloween fun in the neighborhood, which should be interesting given Dave C. does not work on Monday...make it fun and interesting Dave, I know you won't let us down!!!

I rounded out the day with a call from my Compira Larry and Comadre Cindy (Rachel's God parents).  Cindy will be coming out in about a week to help Theresa when my Mom goes back to Paso Robles to check in on her glass business. Thank you Cindy and we can't wait to see you!  Cindy and Larry are University of Texas alum, so I hope Texas beats Baylor like Arizona beat UCLA today!  Hook'em Horns!!!

Love you all, have a great night and an awesome weekend!


  1. Hi John,

    It was wonderful talking and laughing with you tonight, it felt like we were there visiting in person. Larry and I just smiled at each other after we got off the phone.

    May you have a restful night and wake full of energy ( I have a feeling you will continue to be blessed with many visitors; you are much loved)! Good night my friend we love you, cindy

  2. Hey Johnny
    Glad you are progressing and have good medical care at Scripps! Your comments and pictures have brought jpy and tears on your path to remission. Bear Down, Dude!

    Hope you enjkot the pitcures from family gathering to pray for your quick remission. It's Daniel, Sylvia, Cookie, Pepe, Holly, Rita, Nina and Pops. Enjoy the pumpkins curved in your honor by Rita's kids.

    Love you, Trick or Treat, from the the Red Flyer wagon in Scripps with the wine box for the parents

    Bear Down!

  3. There are three things I hate now: cancer, blood clots, and the Longhorns lack of effort in their loss to Baylor. John, I wish everyone had your positive attitude and strength!

    Take care,

