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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 6 - Out for the count :-)

Barry, Gigi, T & Me!
Got a few more visitors mid day 6 which was great.  Our great friends Barry and Gigi came by this morning and Theresa was here so we could all get caught up!  Thank you Barry and Gigi for coming by to hang!

The Farace family brought me some pasta and meatballs that hit the spot for lunch.  Thank you Carmela, Luigi, Lou and Rosali!

My sister-in-law Mia came by and brought me some fun goodies to pass the day and we got a chance to catch up while Theresa was here to.  Theresa got to enjoy some of the pasta and meatballs for lunch as well.

Richie and Me

Rick Farace stopped by for a visit and cracked me up as usual.  While he was here the nurses gave me some Compazine for nausea and that's all she wrote, I was "out for the count"!  Took away the nausea and laid me out for the rest of the day...whew!, strong stuff.  They will try something a little milder next time I get nauseous as I did not like getting knocked out for that long!  I tried fighting it all evening, but would end up eyes closed and fast a sleep every time I tried :)

On the health front, started a Neutropenic diet today, which will minimize any chance of infection coming from my food.  No fresh fruit, fresh veggies, everything must be cooked then served right away or packaged.  Food selections are still very good and I am keeping my weight up which is great!

God bless and thank you for all the thoughts and prayers!  They are working!!!


  1. Hey John,
    Sounds like you are getting the best of ethnic cooking from friends and family. I am glad you are devouring it and can still taste it.

    Sleeping is a good thing, and God knows you have needed the rest! So, taking 40 winks is not a bad thing, especially in the afternoon!

    Love you,


  2. Hi John - I'm glad your stomach is feeling still look marvelous. Grandma Joyce still looks great too - I wonder how she does it. Keep it up! Thinking of you ever day. Joe
