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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 7 - Another day of family and friends, and then some ;-)

Grandma Joyce!
Day 7 is winding to an end and I had some great visitors today!  Grandma Joyce came to see me this morning and I also talked with my Grandma Lucy on the phone this morning...Oh it was so nice to hear Grandma Lucy and see Grandma Joyce.  Grandma Joyce made me laugh, which is just what I needed!!!  Thank you!

Ghoulish Goodies!
Theresa came for lunch and and our friend Sandy came by for a very nice visit.  Theresa  brought me some ghoulish goodies and cards from the girls.  Thank you Babies, just what I needed to spruce up the place!!!

Bombay Sapphire Infusion :-)
Sandy brought Theresa and I our favorite beverages, a sweet card, and some fortune cookies!!!  My nurses already got me set, so that next time I have a hangover feeling, its for real ;-).

Love you all!


  1. That's got to be the next sapphire ad in maxim.

    Keep up the good mojo.

    Love you man


  2. Hi John, Sounds like you've been a busy boy these past 24hrs:) Glad to hear that you are getting out and about for walks and that some delicious food and drinks are being smuggled into your room. Cheers to finishing chemo, you look fabulous!!!!

    Love, cindy

  3. We need to talk about a new business idea, personal alcohol infusion pumps ;-)

  4. Thank you Bonz, Cindy and Larry!!! I'm going for the bald look this coming week...gotta keep things interesting ;-)

  5. John - Nice! You got that connected to the PCA button too? I'm definately buying the Martini infusions when you get back! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  6. John, Khalid fwded me to your blog. Definitely praying for you and your family, glad you're done with chemo now.

    Would like to visit you but can also wait till you get back and we can get lunch or finally get to the driving range =).

    Btw the new job is going well, learning a lot but do miss the ppl at carefusion and .NET technologies.

    Take care John!

  7. Hi Johnny,
    It was great seeing you today! When me and my mom saw you today you said that you are going to have the girls shave your head. I think that is a great idea! I hope your head is not jacked up and bumpy like mine! If it is-I got you a beanie to cover it up!Or you could just wear the mullet wig that your friend Dave got you! I always think of you everyday and I know that you are going to put through this!You have such a great positive attitude!& That is why I love you Johnny!!!

  8. John do you have words with friends on your iPhone?

  9. John, you are strong and we are all pulling for you! Everyone misses you at work, but we're looking forward to you givin' that AML a beat down!!!

  10. Hi Uncle Johnny,
    It's Maggie and Sasha (Mae) ! Hope you are doing well we miss you, Livie, Rae-Rae, Auntie Theresa and Gabe. We heard you are in for a rough ride, but we know you can do it. Someone said for you to "BEAR DOWN", which is what we do when the ride gets rough. Hope you like our picture of our latest Rough Ride!

    Whoof, Whoof, We love you and tell Gabe to be a good doggie. GOT COOKIES?

    Maggie Mae and Sasha Mae

  11. Bear Down Arizona

    Arizona, Bear Down!
    Let's cheer for Arizona
    Let's lift our voices high
    Let's cheer for Arizona
    The Bear Down battle cry
    Let's cheer our team to victory
    Let's cheer our team to fame
    Let's cheer for Arizona
    For spirit wins the game!
    Bear Down Arizona
    Bear Down Red and Blue
    Bear Down Arizona
    Hit 'em hard
    Let 'em know who's who
    Bear Down Arizona
    Bear Down Red and Blue
    Go! Go! Wildcats go!
    Arizona Bear Down

  12. Thank you all for the awesome posts!!! It was so nice to hear from so many coleauges at work! I just posted day 8 (Friday 11/29 post). Thanks again everyone!!!
