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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 2 - Friends and Family!...the best medicine!

Go Patriots!
It was great to get a lot of visitors this afternoon!  My brother Mike and sister-in-law Mia came by. Mike brought a nice Patrick Henry High School hat (my alma mater)...that will come in  handy soon :-).


Our good friends Sherri and Pete also came by with their daughters Calista and Kaila and dropped off a nice picture of me, Theresa and the girls at the Hope, Steps, & a Cure walk in Los Angeles in January 2010.

Hopes, Steps & Cure Walk, LA 2010

My Mom, step-dad Jim, Theresa, Olivia and Rachel all came by as well and we passed the afternoon away in the hall-way near the lobby.  Unfortunately, the girls can't come to my room given their age, but we made our self comfortable with some chairs that the nursing staff brought out to us.

Mama & the Girls

My Princesses

My Family
 I am feeling great.  I received a blood transfusion this afternoon and started my next dose of Ara-C and Daunorubicin just about an hour ago.  Tolerating it well.


  1. John, our prayers are with you for a speedy recovery! Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

  2. Good morning John, hope you had a restful night! What a popular guy you were yesterday, I have a feeling that you will continue to have lots of visitors during your stay, you are loved by many!

    You definitely have the blog thing down now. I love seeing all of the photos. I can't believe how much the girls have grown since we saw them this summer. Olivia is going to be taller than me before too long. And thank you for not doing facebook, I have always said it would take an act of God to get me on that and I didn't want this to be that act:) love, cindy

  3. It was fun watching the game with you today with the exception of the outcome. Gonna sneak a martini in with me next visit. Love you man!


  4. Thank you Joao! Your thoughts and prayers are so appreciated, so thank you, they will all come in handy!

    Cindy, thank you, yes lot's of visitors, so nice, so nice!!! Yes the girls are growing fast and have been so brave and strong!

    Dave, thank you for coming by today mullet man! Can't wait for that Martini!!!

    Love you all! John
