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Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 4 - Feeling well

New dudds!

Doing well today, will be getting another blood transfusion given HGB was running low.  Also got new gowns today...check'm out...the green reminds me of the golf course!

Talked to doctor, transplant coordinator, and social worker this morning, so got lot's of new information.

Also talked to hospital IT and their policies are pretty strict regaring allow skype and other stuff due to their security policy.  I will manage!


  1. Dare I say your gowns are "Pretty" ;)

    Ask what kind of WiFi infrastructure they have there John - it better be Cisco!

  2. Hi John, looking good. I love the blog. Dave and Barry said they had good visit with you yesterday other than the outcome of the Charger game. Keep the updates coming.

    Talk to you later.


  3. Billy Boy! Thanks for the post! Yes my gown is Damn Pretty! I am saving them for some drapes, Theresa will love that :).

    Looks like they have Cisco my friend! Good to hear from you!

    Thank you for the post Wes, I will keep the updates coming!

    Take care, John

  4. John, love the gown - Theresa would probably prefer to use the material for accent pillows though :-) Thanks for keeping us updated through your blog. Sorry couldn't make it in yesterday to see you, but I am looking forward to stopping in sometime this week. See you soon!

  5. Hi Sandy! That would be awesome to see you! I had fun with Dave, Barry and Tod yesterday!
    Take care!

  6. Hi John!
    Looking hot in that green gown :) Don't tell Wes I said that...ha ha! Glad to hear you are doing well. Thinking about you every day. If you are up for visitors Wes and I will come on Saturday....or maybe Friday. We'll check with Theresa first. So, you are leaving us in last place in Fantasy. We're on track for hosting the draft next year.....great.

    Take care and we'll see you soon!

  7. Loving the new gown John! All you need now is some fuzzy green slippers and your look will be complete, or do you have some on already and that is why the picture is only from the chest up? -cindy

  8. Thank you Kristi! Hey, Wes don't need to know anything, my lips are sealed! You will be excellent hosts for the draft next year and I will BE THERE!!!
    Love you guys!

  9. Ha Cindy! Ya, I have fuzzy blue slippers so they match the green just fine!
    Thank you for checking in!
    Love you guys!
