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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 8 - A little bumpy

Day 8!  Will be finishing the Ara-C today...woo hoo!  I had lost of visitors today which was awesome!  Also had some blood clot drama...but more on that later...first, the fun stuff!

 My mother-in-law,Loretta (Senora), came by for a visit and so did Laura, my sister-in-law.  It was so nice to see them both.  Senora brought me the most beautiful Rosary from Fatima.  Thank you so much senora!  I hold it when I say prayers everyday!

Janet and Joao
Our friends and neighbors, Janet and Joao stopped by for a visit today and brought me a nice Sports Illustrated Football Book (coffee table size!) will allow me to bone up on my football trivia since I am always being tested by my nephew Tommy!  Thank you DaSilva's!!!

Rich and Jo
Also, our friends Rich and Jo Nye came by for a very nice visit today!  I was treated with a beautiful card and some yummy Nothing Bundt Cake mini cakes! We had a great time talking and Theresa got to see them too when she came by.  Once I learn more about who to contact regarding a bone marrow drive, I will definitely let you and Sami know Jo!  Thank you!!!

Sharron, Joe, Wes, Krsiti
 Our friends and neighbors, Wes, Kristi, Joe and Sharron came by today for a nice visit as well!  Thank you Wes and Kristi for the nice card and the cookies!!!  Joe and Sharron, thank you for the magazines, books and blueberry muffins!  Yum!!!  You guys made me laugh so much thank you!

Pete, Sherri, Kaila and Calista came to visit and I got to hang out in the lobby without my D-D-D!  They brought me the most amazing picture book of my family over the past 2 years!  It really touched me and gives me something to look at and share with other visitors and caregivers to show them what an amazing family I have!!!

On the health front, as I mentioned earlier I finished up the chemo at about 4:30pm today!!!  Good thing, cause this morning the doctor ordered an ultrasound of my arm and shoulder due to some pain that has gradually gotten worse over the past few days.  Turns out I have a couple of blood clots in my right arm and shoulder.  Likely they were caused by the catheter (PICC line) that has been inserted for a week to deliver chemo.  The timing could not have been better to get it taken out.  Removing the PICC line will prevent the clots from getting larger and my body will absorb the clots over time. Only bummer is that I will have to get stuck when they draw blood, but I have good veins so no problemo. My arm swelled up a bit, got warm and was tender from the blood clot that had formed but it too will pass.

On the good side I will not have to wheel my D-D-D around with me everywhere once the PICC line comes out and the chemo is done!!!  Woo hoo!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow John! You are one popular guy! Friends and family, the best medicine! A little scary about the blood clots, but relieved to hear that it was caught in the nick of time. Let me know when you need more fortune cookies!
