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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 3 - More of the right and friends!

Today was awesome!  More family and friends to draw strength and love from!!!  Lot's of great pictures below.  Got a visit from my brother in-law Joe this morning who took our dog Gabe out for a nice walk today...I know Gabe enjoyed it!  Thank you for everything Joey (including the Rolling Stone magazines)!

Gabe out for a romp with Uncle Joey

My good friends from the hood, Barry, Dave, and Tod also came by to harass me and the nurses :-)...we had a great time catching up, monitoring out Fantasy Football league, busting each others chops, and yes, watching the Charges loose again.  That's OK though, I'm a Steeler fan, and they one today.  Thanks for all the goodies guys (the John Adam's DVD, the Lincoln book, and the mullet wig and trucker hat)!  My father-in law tried on the mullet for laughs :).

My Buddies

Pedro with Mullet

My in-laws, Pedro and Loretta, and brother-in-law's Greg and Anthony came by too and gave me some wonderful healing and daily prayers.  Thank you so much Senor and Senora! My step dad Jim left back to Paso Robles today, but left my Mom Rena to stay and help Theresa.  Thank you Jimmy!

My brother Mike, his wife Mia, my sister-in-law Laura, my nephews Max and Tommy, and my nieces Sophie and Izzy came by too.  It was so great to see you all, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Mi Familia!

Mi Goofy Familia!

Izzy & Tommy


Livy & Rae

Sohie & Max

Mike & Mia

On the health front, I got my third and final dose of the daunorubicin today and got started on my third day of the Ara-C.  Still feeling very good and no symptoms from the chemo yet.  I say yet, because I know that is coming and the nurses have been explaining a lot to me and my wife to prepare us.  Towards the end of this week, I may be getting very tired, maybe mouth sores, and of course my white, red, and platelet cells will all drop.  Mostly I will feel tired, but I am very comfortable here in my room with a view of Torrey Pines and the Pacific ocean!

God bless you all thank thank you again for your strength and love!!!


  1. Hey John, you can always think back to memories of the 2008 US Open right outside your window to take your mind off the chemo. That was a lot of fun. You were a machine that week!

  2. You too Compira, that was an awesome time and I will remember every step we took...well maybe except some of the ones back to the bus :).
    Love you!

  3. Hey John, When did you have a view of the US open outside his Window? Was this at Cardinal? I am jealous! Speaking of sports: I remember a couple of Padres games at Petco Park you took me to - there were some good times in that strange pub nearby - what was the name of it? Do you know if it is still there?
