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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 2 - Restful

This morning has gone well and I feel very good.  I had a good night sleep and feel very rested even though my pump was noisy, my bed auto inflates every 5 minutes, and the nurses came in about every 2 hours...thank goodness for sleeping pills!

I took a nice shower, ate breakfast and took a couple of walks around the ward...need to keep up my strength and I miss my walks with my dog Gabe.

Theresa and the girls are coming soon, so I am very excited and can't wait to see them!

On the health front, hemoglobin is low today, so I will be getting a blood transfusion later today.  This will help me feel even better!

Take care!
Love John


  1. Hi John, glad to hear that you got a room with a view; golf and the ocean, you couldn't have hand picked a better room for yourself:)

    Wow, I can't believe that you started chemo last night, well that just means that you are one day closer to beating AML. Wish we were in San Diego to help you pas the time away, but know that you, Theresa and the girls are in our thoughts and prayer! We love you and hope to see you soon, cindy

  2. Thank you Cindy for all your thoughts and prayers, I will take every bit I can! And congratulations, you were the first to post a comment to my blog! Sorry, I just couldn't make the leap to Facebook :).
    Love you guys! Please give my love to Larry, Nate and Anderson.

  3. Hi John,
    Glad to know you are in high spirits and on the road to AML remission
    Noisy pump! I thought you are so used to pump chimes from bullpen right in front of you office.
    Hope to see you back in the office sooner
