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Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 25 - Time is ticking


Caught some pictures of the sunset and moon yesterday.  It is so nice to get outside and get fresh air!

I received platelets and red cells today.  The doctors expect to see my numbers starting to come up by this weekend and would like to make sure my neutrophils to up around 1.5.  If my neutrophils are up and I don't need red cell and platelet transfusions daily, I will be able to get home.  During the first week of December, I will come in for a bone marrow biopsy to confirm that I am in remission AML remission. All together coming home and getting the bone marrow biopsy results, the first week of December will be a big one.

My buddy Dave came to visit me today.  Knowing that I was not feeling good from the Steeler loss last night, Dave cheered my up and brought me some cool Steeler socks!  I put them on right way, very comfy!!!  Thank you for the visit Dave!  I love you man!  I will be routing for the Washington Redskins on Monday night football tonight (Dave's favorite team)!!!

Take care everyone! 

Love, John


  1. Hi John,

    The talk of you getting to go home in a couple of weeks is awesome; top that with the fact that you now have ESPN, what a great Monday this has turned out to be, Happy Football watching!

    Love you, cindy

  2. John,
    It was not the Redskin's night!

    Glad you have a plan to go home and that all is going well.

    Love you,


  3. Thank y'all for the posts!
    Love you,
