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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 30 - Toe-day the's day ;-)


Woke up today with a swollen and painful left big toe...huh?!  I have a little cellulitis by my nail bed and never knew how painful a swollen big toe could be.  I took a few walks, while on pain meds, but have mostly been taking it easy today.  Hopefully it will clear up when my white cells decide to wake up from their siesta and I will be seeing the podiatrist on Monday.

Although Rachel is feeling better, Theresa and my Mom are still under the weather, so I hope they are feeling better soon and up for a visit.  We are all looking forward to spending Thanksgiving together here at the hospital and the day after Thanksgiving is our 22nd wedding anniversary...maybe another sleepover date night will work out ;-)

Thank you all for your continued prayers, encouragement and love!



  1. Hi John,
    Sorry about your toe:( Hopefully it will be all better soon and you can start enjoying your walks again pain free!

    Twenty two years of marriage, what a milestone for you and Theresa. You know if you break that number down, you have 8030 days of celebrating your love for each other, so Happy Anniversary (a little early) and on Friday make sure you enjoy the memories of the past 8030 days, your love for today and your hopes/dreams for the rest of your days together.

    I love your both dearly (xoxox), cindy

  2. Happy Thanksgiving week, John! As always, you remain amazingly positive; you inspire all those who meet you.
    Larry, Julia, and Danny

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Day John! Your in our prayers and thoughts! May you have an incredible day with you and your loved ones!
