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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 22 - Round Two Done - Ding, Ding, Ding!

Yes!  Round two of chemo is done!  It finished up at 6pm on Friday and I was thrilled!  I was disconnected from my D-D-D and able to roam the lobby AND go out side for the first time in 22 days!  I called the girls right away and we looked at the moon together!  It was awesome to get fresh air and extend my walking track!

I am feeling great, but I did manage to throw my lower back out Friday night...really?!  It is definitely improving and I am continuing to get my walks in.

Between Thursday and Friday, I had many visitors stop by but did not get to get pictures of everyone.  Ed Stokes, a colleague from work was nice enough to come by for a very pleasant visit.  Thank you for the time Ed, it was very much appreciated!  

The kids had the day off, so Theresa, Cindy, Olivia, and Rachel came by for lunch in my room and we had a awesome time.  While Livy helped Cindy and Theresa get lunch from the cafeteria, Rachel hung out with me and helped me fill out my meal menu for Friday.  We also watched some family videos that were unlabeled and needed to be labeled correctly.  It was great just to hang out and laugh, felt like being home!  Cindy made some yummy treats for the BMT unit staff and they loved them!  Thank you Cindy! 

Joe, Laura, Tommy and Izzy came by for a nice visit and we tried to get Olivia to perform her solo performance that went really well on Wednesday night!  Tommy and Izzy were enjoying the start of a 4 day weekend for them.  Thank you for coming by!

Cindy took the girls home and Theresa stayed with me.  We got a nice surprise when my boss, Sam, showed up for visit.  Sam is based in Virginia and was in San Diego for the week.  It was great that he got to meet Theresa and we enjoyed talking about his recent trip to India and getting caught up on the goings on at work.  Thank you for the visit Sam, it was great to see you!

Theresa and I relaxed in my comfy bed and watched HGTV and the beginning of Conan.  Thank you for that Sweetie, it was so relaxing!

On Friday, I had very nice visits from Khalid, Ritika, and Shawn from work, who brought a very nice card from the Infusion team at CareFusion and some very nice gifts for my family.  Thank you CareFusion, your thoughts, prayers and support which is all very much appreciated!

I also had a very nice visit from our financial advisor Larry and his wife Lori.  It was my first time meeting Lori so it was so nice to get to know her after knowing Larry for many years.  I gave them a tour of the BMT unit and they gave me some great gardening tips for when I get out of here.  Talk of all the vegetables they grow made me hungry just in time for dinner!  Thank you for the time Larry and Lori, it was such a nice visit!

Theresa and Cindy came by on their way to the airport.  Cindy went home today and we were sad to see here go :.-(.  Cindy was here since Sunday and helped with the girls during the week while Theresa was busy coming out to see me and taking care of business.  Cindy, thank you so much for coming out to San Diego.  Theresa and I are so blessed to have your support and friendship!  The week went by so fast and we will miss you!!!

Thank you all for your continued love, prayers and support!

Love, John


  1. Hi John,

    As promised I am back to posting on your blog:) It was so good to see you this week and will miss having lunch with you and Theresa (the hospital food is very impressive - in a good way). I can't believe I am not even gone 24hrs and you throw your back out, are you just trying to find unusual ways to keep your nurses around?

    Congratulations on finishing your second and hopefully last round of chemo, as usual you made it through with style, class and few side affects. Your strength in fighting this damn cancer is amazing and awe-inspiring. As always you, Theresa, Olivia and Rachel are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love you, cindy

    PS, glad to report that the house was still standing when I got home, doesn't look like to many parties where held while I was gone:)

  2. :-)
    Thank you Cindy and I am so glad you got home ok. Glad Larry kept the house clean after all his parties and rounds of golf!

    The nurses here say your rice-crispy treats were the best they ever had!!!

    Love and miss you,
