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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 31-35 Happy Thanksgiving

This is Theresa, John's wife.  John is unable to type his blog entry.  He is fighting an infection which started in his toe and is moving up his leg.  Infection is always so worrisome because he doesn't have any cells to fight it.  Please pray for John.  He needs to get better so he can prepare for his transplant. 

We are so grateful to have the support and love from you all.  This is a really hard day for our family...the girls miss him terribly.  I still feel we have so much to be grateful for! You have all shown us compassion and immense caring.That is what life is all about...caring for each other and being there when things get crappy.  Hold your families and good friends close.  Tell your loved ones what you mean to each other.  You are all fantastic and we love you!!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Love, Theresa


  1. Hi John,

    I know this past week has been a difficult one for all of you. First dealing with Theresa and the girls not being able to visit b/c of the flu and now your fighting this damn infection but your patience and perseverance has gotten you this far and your family and friends are making sure that it will get you the rest of the way.

    Always remember that this disease is not what defines is your love for life and the people who surround you that make the man you are. Never stop believing in your strength John, we all believe in you!

    My thoughts and prayers are always with you, Theresa, Olivia and Rachel. I love you, cindy

  2. John, We are thinking of you and praying for your recovery! We love you so much and know this is so hard on all of you...."don't stop believing" we know you can do this and we love you so much!!! Big Big Hugs and Love to you, John, Theresa, Olivia & Rae Rae!
    Love from, Ben, Kristi, Will & Ry Ry!

  3. John, Theresa,Olivia and Rachel,
    Keep the Faith ! You have all seen hard times before and you just have to keep believing in God's power to heal those that are blessed. John is a tough cookie and he will overcome these obstacles.

    The power of prayer will overcome and you gus will be together soon. We love you and pray every minute we have time.

    Love you guys,

    Grandpa and Nina
    & Maggie and Sasha

  4. Hello Martinez Family!

    I'm sorry I did not get a chance to meet you all, Theresa, Olivia and Rachel, when we stopped by last week. We sensed, however, your everlasting love and profound caring as we talked with John and observed his surroundings. I was in awe of how your family has been blessed even through this whole ordeal, and the number of lives that you continue to touch. Your physical presence notwithstanding, the room was filled with your grace.

    As I thought about you during this Thanksgiving season, this Scripture came to mind: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6). John, it is our prayer, too, that you will quickly gain your strength and recover from this infection to prepare yourself physically for the next steps!

    We hope to catch up soon upon my return to San Diego; it's way too cold for me in Boston (and, I'm heading further north to Quebec on Monday!). BTW, don't know if you heard, but we have another "customer" for the Coordination Engine: NeuroCare is in!!!


  5. Hi John,

    You've been doing an amazing job fighting though this. Please keep your hopes up and stay strong.

    I look forward to visiting again later this week.


    PS - Pittsburgh won today.
