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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 29 - TGIF!!!

Thank God it's Friday!

I love Friday's and today turned out to give me every reason to do so!  I had so many visitors and am so thankful to everyone who came by for a visit.

I ventured outside closer to Torrey Pines South and took a great picture that has 9, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in one shot...although since it was with my iPhone, it may be difficult to see them all.

There's a 3 day Breast Cancer walk going on here in San Diego and a group of teachers from Rachel's elementary school were walking for the cure.  It so happened that the 1st day of the walk passed right in front of the hospital I am staying at.  Lindsay, Rachel's kindergarten teacher, came inside to say hello and give me and the family some goodies from the walk while the other teachers were outside staying warmed up to continue their walk.  Thank you Lindsay and team EBS!!! I really appreciate that you stopped by to say hello during your walk!

My team from CareFusion came by and spent their lunch hour with me and then some!  They caught me up on all the goings on at work and filled me in on their plans for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Thank you Nick, Jason, Kranthi, Rohit, Richard, Catherine and Shri, the visit was very much appreciated.  Thank you for the movies and books Jason!  I broke out some chocolate for a Friday toast! 

My aunt Debbie had picked up Olivia from school, so I got a surprise visit from Olivia, Debbie and Erik.  We hung out and I got lots of hugs from Olivia, who I haven't seen in a week.  When they had to go, Olivia and I didn't want to stop hugging each other and she did not want to leave.  She's been so strong and I am very proud of her!

Joe, Sharon, Wes and Kristi came by for their Friday sunset watch with me (was a cloudy day so no sunset).  We had a great time even though we did not see the sunset.  We talked about food and all the yummy stuff I will be eating when I go home...can't wait!!!  Thank you for spending some of your Friday with me, you all are awesome!

Tiffany, Tod and Camile came by for a visit as well and filled me in on their plans for Thanksgiving.  Camile gave me a gift to wear when I am home for the Holiday's...I thought of wearing it with the mullet, but I think it does well on its own ;-).  Thank you for the visit and cool gift!

My boss's boss, Nivaldo and his wife Maritza, came buy for a visit.  It was great to see Nivaldo and meet Maritza, although I am sorry that I forgot to get a picture!  We had a great visit and I Nivaldo shared some pictures from his recent trip to CareFusion's offices in India.  Nivaldo had amazing pictures of the colors and detailed architecture of India.  Thank you Nivaldo and Maritza for the nice visit!

Joe, Laura, and Tommy came by for a visit to round out the evening.  Tommy brought me a cool Steelers beanie!  Tommy razzed me all evening about Arizona's loss to USC, the Steeler loss to New England, and taunted me about the upcoming Arizona - Oregan game on Nov 26th.  Thanks Tom-Tom, but you are lucky my platelets are low or else I would have had you in a head lock ;-).  Love you guys!!!

God bless you all and thank you for your love and support!


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