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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 19 - Charging on!


Wow, the days are flying by!  I am 4 days into my second round of chemo and 3 days to go on the Ara-C!  I've been getting blood transfusions and platelets to help keep me healthy so thank you to all you out there that donate blood during blood drives.  The blood bank always needs more so to find out where you can donate check out this link:

I want to thank our good friends Sharon and Jovita for getting the word out to all of you about joining the Bone Marrow Donor Registry (Be The Match) program.  So many of you have already gone out or are planning to get tested and entered in the registry.  Our friend Cindy who is in town helping Theresa went in this morning and got registered at the San Diego Blood Bank location in Sabre Springs.  Cindy said they have seen a spike in appointments and calls at their office!!!  Cindy also said it was easy, you just fill out a questionnaire, get your cheek swabbed, and your done!  Thank you all for doing this, you don't know how much it means to me.  You never know who you may help, but it is an amazing program that can give you the chance to save a life some day!  Thank you again and for more information check out this link:

I was out doing one of my laps around the BMT unit and was stopped by the BMT social worker who was telling me he saw my employer, CareFusion, in the news paper this morning.  The story was about CareFusion discontinuing the sponsorship of Jazz events around the world to promote CareFusion (long overdue cost cutting measure).  As we were talking a voice came up behind us and said, "What's that about CareFusion?" and it was Doug Medve a colleague from work!  Doug was downstairs below the BMT unit and he said that he heard my voice and went looking for me!  Well he found me and we got a chance to get caught up on how things are going at the office and he also got to meet Theresa.  It was great to see you Doug and thank you for the time you spent with me today!

My aunt Debbie also stopped by to say hello and brought the nurses some pretzels filled with peanut butter...the nurses and doctors thanked me all day, but I said it was my aunt Debbie you should be thanking.  Thank you for coming by Debbie!!!

Gigi, Barry, Cindy, and Theresa all joined me for lunch today.  Gigi and Barry brought Theresa and Cindy some lunch, which was very nice.  I had finished my chicken and cheese sandwich and had to endure the yummy smell and scene of everyone eating rolled taquitos, rice, and beans...I am starting to make a list of the things I will be eating when I get out of here, and rolled taquitos will be on the list!

My daughter Olivia sang at a Veteran's Day concert yesterday and tomorrow she sings a solo at her school for a choir fundraiser!  Theresa is recording the performances so I can watch them on DVD later this week.  I am so proud of Livy and can't wait to see her singing!

Although I did not get to watch the Steeler game last night (still no ESPN!), I did get to watch text updates on the ESPN GameCast website.  It has a little 3-D football field that shows each drive and does a play by play text update.  Actually pretty cool.  It was a close one, too close, but my Steelers got the W!

Take care everyone and thanks again for the daily love, prayers, thoughts and support!!!

Love, John


  1. Hi Sweetie! I loved seeing you today. It was good to see you laugh with your family and friends! Keep your chin up and remember how many people are praying for you and cheering you on. Have a restful sleep my prince.
    I love you,

  2. Johnny,
    When you were 5 weeks old, you caught pneumonia and you were in the hospital for 5 weeks getting well. You were at Providence hospital in an oxygen tent and I would go see you every day from my college classes and work on campus. I leaned on the bed and prayed hard for God to give you strength to recover. I promised God to show you life and teach you to play golf when you recovered. I think God and you heard me then and you recovered into a healthy but skinny baby. Later, I showed you about life and taught you to play golf. I have said the same prayers to God for your recovery now, and trust God will give you the strength to recover from ALS at this time. The difference is that now you are a beautiful person who has lots of friends and family that love you!

    Keep the Faith


  3. All, Here is the link to the Department of Defense Bone Marrow Program:

    Love, you Johhny,

