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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 21 - Dedicated to Warrior 21 Noxah Palomo

Today is Day 21 (Thursday 11/11) of my road to AML remission and the final day of my second round of chemotherapy.

One year ago this month, Andy Friedman, a member of my team at work brought to my attention a boy named Noxah Palomo who is the son of one of his good friends on the east coast.  Noxah was stricken with childhood leukemia when he was pitching in a baseball game at the age of 12. Noxah's baseball uniform number was 21 and since he was such a fighter, his family called him Warrior 21.  The team at CareFusion raised money for Noxah and his family so that they could enjoy Christmas 2009.  We all got a chance to talk to Noxah and his mother on the phone during a holiday team celebration and were all inspired by his spirit.

Noxah continued on his Warrior path for a year, enduring endless chemotherapy treatments and a stem cell transplant.  On October 8th, 2010, two weeks before I was admitted to the hospital to begin my battle, Warrior 21 Noxah Palomo lost his brave battle with leukemia. 

A lot of people ask me how I get through every day, and one answer is every day I think of Noxah and how brave he was and how hard he fought.  I vowed to continue his battle and win for him and all other children who are stricken with this awful disease.  I have lived a wonderful life, had children, been married for 22 years, enjoy friends and family, and have more to enjoy. 

No child should ever be denied this from life and so I dedicate my Day 21 to Warrior 21, Noxah Palomo, my hero!!!

Below are some links to provide more support to the Palomo family.

If you’d like to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, please see the link below:


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this story of strength, hope, and compassion. It's a good lesson for us all.
