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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 20 - Nice Visits!

Joe Dirt lives in us all!
Day 20 (Thursday, 11/10) started off with some platelets (hefeweisen beer) and an ultrasound to keep track of some minor clots I have in my arms.  All is well and they won't be giving me any problems.  I continue to do my laps around the ward and hassle the staff ;-).  I started day 6 of my second round of chemo today.  So far, so good (gracias a Dios!), just a few GI issues and some minor nausea that is well controlled with a med called Zofran.  My scalp is aching a little bit and I noticed my hair is definitely starting to fall out.  I see short little hairs on my pillow.  I walk out of my room once in a while with my mullet wig on...really freaks out the nurses, but gets a good laugh too (kind of disturbing looking :-o).

Good friend and co-worker Ryan came by for a visit and gave me the down low from work...glad to hear nothing has really changed and the team is continuing to do the good work they have always done!  Thanks for stopping by Ryan, it was a nice surprise and I really enjoyed the visit!

Our friend Sherri came by for a nice surprise visit today also.  Sherri and her family have been such a source of strength and inspiration for me and my family over the years.  Sherri's sister passed away from cancer years ago and actually used to work here in this BMT unit that I am on.  So many nurses that have cared for me remember Chris and what a loving caregiver she was for her patients.  Thank you for stopping by for the visit Sherri, it brightened my day!!!

Theresa and the girls had a busy day that culminated with Olivia's solo concert in the evening.  Theresa called me on her phone when Olivia was singing, so I got to listen, then clap and whistle!  Olivia sang "Maybe Next Time" by Liza Minnelli.  You sounded like a jazzy angel Livy Lu!  I can't wait to see the video and I am sooooooo proud of you!

Wes, Kristi, Joe and Sharon came by last night for a diner visit and we watched the sunset.  They always time their visits just right for those sunsets...hmmm...they can come by and watch every sunset everyday!  We had a great visit and lots of laughs, mostly at Dave C.'s expense, since he was not here ;-).  Thank you all for taking time out of your busy day to come by and spend time with me and making me laugh!!! I love you all!

Take care everyone and God Bless you all!
Love, John

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you all had the pleasure of laughing at my expense. That is my purpose in life, to entertain. Now, if I could only think of a way to make money at it..... I'm glad to see that my mullet wig is being utilized. I will try and find a man mullet merkin to deliver to offset any other hair loss that may follow. Love you man,
