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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 27 - Patience + Perseverance = Magic


I am feeling good and my back is getting better every day.  I had platelet and red cell transfusions today and my neutrophils are still at zero.  As day 27 came and went, I felt a bit numb to the fact I have been here that long. 

I have often been told that I am a patient man and that I persevere through what ever I have been faced with in life.  I feel my patience is being tried more than ever as I wait for the day that I am told I am in remission.  I know that I will persevere and get through this first obstacle on the path to being cured of MDS and leukemia.

John Quincy Adams once said, "Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."

This magical effect that John Quincy Adams spoke of is something that comes from deep within our souls fed by the love of ourselves, our family, our friends, and life.  This magical effect is fed by the love, prayers, and hope that all of you have been sending my way.

Soon these difficulties and obstacles will be a fading shadow of my life and my patience and perseverance will get me there!!! 

Me, Kerri
The nursing staff here at Scripps Green Hospital have been exceptional!  They have made an otherwise arduous hospital stay comfortable, safe, motivating, and caring.  When I was first admitted, a nurse named Kerri took time to explain to me and Theresa just what I was in for and what to expect.  She has a calm, laid back demeanor that put both me and Theresa at ease immediately.  Out of all the nurses, I have been in Kerri's care the most and want to thank her for true passion to care for her patients in a calm, empathetic way.  Thank you Kerri!!!

Joe, Me, Pat
Two friends and colleagues, Joe and Pat, from a company CareFusion does business with came by today.  Joe and Pat, and I played Torrey Pines South one month after the 2008 US Open.  The South Course won that day, but we had a great time trying to beat it.  Thank you for the visit today gents, it was great to see you both and I look forward to being back out on Torrey Pines and taking the battle to the South course once again!

Thank you all for your continued love, prayers and support!!!

Love, John


  1. Wow, 27 days. The way you have handled these 27 days is amazing. You are an inspiration to all of us. Keep fighting and hang in there. We pray everyday that you will get the news that you are in remission. If you are up for it we will stop by Friday and watch the sunset with you again. Maybe we can venture outside. Love you, Sharon and Joe

  2. It's a date, see you all on Friday for the sunset!
    Love, John

  3. Keep on keepin' on, John. You are a rock, and your endurance and outlook is an inspiration. It wasn't going to be easy, but you are just the man to do it. Stay strong, my friend!

  4. Thank you Jim! I'm definitely in the zone!
    Warm regards,

  5. Hi John,

    Yes 27 is a long time, but if you think of it in terms of the number of family and friends who have stopped by to visit, talk, laugh, cry, watch football:) with you, then you have a number that is far bigger than 27 and a number that means so much more. I choose to see this number as one that will bring us 27 more months, years or even more years than that, that we will have to spend with you.

    On these days that are harder than others trust in us, your family and friends who are here ready to bring a smile/laugh to that handsome face (and bald head) of yours:)

    Love, cindy

  6. Hi John,

    I just came across your blog the other day and I truly do apologize for not contacting you sooner. Please know that our prayers are with you.

    After reading your most recent posts, I suddenly realized that you are hands down the strongest person I know ... mind, body and soul ... and because of your strength, endurance and patience, you WILL persevere. You are simply MAGIC.

    Stay Strong! We Love You!

    Dean, Gayle, Nicholas and Syndey

  7. Yo Johnny
    You have the strength of an Army and the heart of a Lion. With all the friends and family prayers and support you are bound to overcome the enemy. I am Proud of You.

    I have been to several churches to pray and light candles for you (a Catholic thing),churhes that you went to when you where young, made your first communion, got married, and churches where your grandparents got married, had their 50th anniversary and worshiped. In each I heard the same Light, that you will overcome and live a long happy family life.

    I am proud that you have many friends and family to enjoy your life, the girls, and their future families, and don't forget a great golf game with your friends. You are the Best. Keep the Faith!


