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Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 24 - Bro Day


Feeling good, with the exception of my lower back.  My anti-nausea medicine was discontinued today since I am 48 hours post chemo.  My hair continues to fall out, so I will be going for the Mr. Clean look this week.  I have decided to stay in San Diego at Scripps Green for my Bone Marrow Transplant.  Being close to family and friends was #1 and the experience of the BMT team here at Scripps goes back over 20 years.  The BMT unit here is calm with a small patient to nurse ratio. Many of the nurses here have been working with BMT patients for 15 years or more here at Scripps.

Right now I am in a waiting game, waiting for my white cells, platelets, and red cells to get above critical levels.  When that happens, I will be able to be discharged and will have a bone marrow biopsy in early December to check for remission.

My brother Mike came by to visit and watch the Chicago vs Minnesota game.  Mike was between my niece Sophie's swim meet and my nephew Max's baseball game.  Mike gave me the low down on his Patrick Henry High School Football team's season.  Thanks for coming by bro!

My brother-in-law Joe came by to watch the Pittsburgh vs New England game (Sunday Night Football).  Although I was not happy with the outcome of the game (Steelers lost), it was fun to hang out with Joe.  Joe was wearing his Buffalo Bill jersey which I have not seen him wear in a long time...he was wearing it because the Bills won.  He made me laugh, which is just what I needed.  He also got to use my cocktail bar ;-). Sorry I forgot to get a picture Joey!

Love you all!


  1. Hi Johnny,
    Sorry about the Steeler's loss. Maybe next week :( Joey was glad to hang out with you yesturday. He told me that that you feel alright, except for your bottom and your back! Ouch! Hope to see you soon, Izzy and I have colds and we both stayed home today. Tommy has his B-ball tryouts tonight,so wish him luck! We think of you everyday and love you so much!!! Love, Laura

  2. Than you Laura and good luck to Tommy on his try outs!
    Thank you for the thoughts!
    Love, Johnny
