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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 26 - Rest for my back


Today has been a restful day.  I took two long naps while icing my back.  The meds they gave me for my back also had something to do with the napping part ;-).  The meds and rest are definitely working and my back is feeling better every day.  I have still been talking my walks outside and found a new (indoor) spot to check out Torrey Pines.  The view gives me a good look of the South course 16 tee boxes and amazing sunset views.

Room View

New view

I am now 12 days out from the start of my second round of chemo.  Whoo hoo!!! Today I did not need any blood products, so let's hope that trend continues and that eventually my Neutrophils (most important white blood cell) start to reappear...they are my ticket home ;-)

Love you all and thank you for your love and support!



  1. Johnny
    You are blessed with a great family and set of friends. Thank God you have found strength in their love and support.

    The golf views are worth a picture print for your home when you return to the Girls!



    Keep the Faith !

  2. Hi honey,
    I know you are getting a litte stir crazy but know it will get better. We have amazing friends and family. I am just in awe at the support and love that has been shown to us. Your mom, my mom, and Cindy coming to help...Your brother Mike and his family...Laura, Joe, the kids, our phenomenal circle of friends, your kind and fantastic family at Carefusion, the girls' amazing teachers, and all the angels who went to get tested to Be The Match...I'll be forever grateful. I know you feel the same way! We are surrounded by the best people. Chin up baby! I love you forever,
    Theresa xoxo

  3. Thank you Princess!!! I love you sooooo much and I'll be back home in what will seem like a blink of the eye. I can't agree more with you on all the love and support we have in our lives! You always know just what to say to keep my spirits up...thank you Princess!!
    Love, John
