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Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 14 - Bone Marrow Biopsy Day

Thank you all for the day 13 posts.  All the thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated! 

Theresa spent most of her day here with me (thank you Sweetie) even though I was out of it most the time.  Theresa helped me relax given it was biopsy day.  Our good friend Tiffany stopped by for a visit, but she mostly saw me asleep, but her and Theresa got caught up on things.  Thank you for coming by Tiffany!!!

Day 14 was a big day... I got my bone marrow biopsy.  This is my 6th bone marrow biopsy since 2001, but the results of this one are by far the most important.  I'll find out if the chemo zapped all those damn malignant cells in my marrow.  I should know the results in a few days.  The procedure went very well with the help of some mild sedation :-) and an excellent Dr. doing the procedure.  I got some more platelets, red bloods cells, and more benadryl, so between the mild sedation and benadryl, I was pretty much out of it for the whole day.

Dinner came just about as I was coming out of the fog and I was able to catch the day 14 sunset from my window.

Day 14 Torey Pines Sunset...beautiful
Thanks again everyone and I will let you know what I hear from the results of the biopsy as soon as I get some news.

Love you all!!!


  1. Hi John,

    What a beautiful photo, it's hard to believe that you took it from your hospital window and not outside.

    Glad to hear that your biopsy went off w/o a hitch, other than your day of extreme fatigue.

    Good news is that the weekend starts soon, and I know that if your feeling well you will have a room full of family and friends visiting and helping you pass the time away, myself included:) Looking forward to seeing that bald head of yours. luv ya, cindy

  2. Hi John,
    Here is a prayer forwarded from Nina's brother Ken, who lives in New York, Queens. It's from his Rabbi. Enjoy! And God Bless You with courage strength, every day!

    "If you have a friend or family member who is ill and you wish to pray for them, the following Refuah Shlema Hebrew prayer may be recited to ask God for a complete and speedy recovery."
    Mi-sheberakh avoteinu v'imoteinu, Avraham v'Sarah, Yitzhak v'Rivkah, Ya'akov, Rachel v'Leah hu y'varekh et (recite the English and Hebrew name) v'yavi aleihem refuat hanefesh u'refuat haguf yachad im kol cholei amo Yisrael. Barukh atah Adonai, rofeh ha'cholim.

    "May the One who was a source of blessing for our ancestors, bring blessings of healing upon (recite the English and Hebrew name), a healing of body and a healing of spirit. May those in whose care they are entrusted, be gifted with wisdom and skill, and those who surround them, be gifted with love and trust, openness and support in their care. And may they be healed along with all those who are in need. Blessed are You, Source of healing. Amen."

    Love you,

