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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 12 - Day of the Mohawk =:-)

Hello!!  Sorry for the late post, but yesterday started with a bit of an allergic reaction to platelete serum (not abnormal), so I was knocked out for half the day on benadryl.  I felt bad because Theresa was only able to come by for a little bit in the morning and I was not much of a host.  Sorry Sweetie!

By the afternoon I was feeling much better and got a surprise visit from very good friend Larry!  It was nice Larry, thank you very much and sorry I did not get a picture.

I rested the rest of the afternoon because my family was coming by for the big shaving ceremony.  The nursing staff very nice to help make my family feel comfortable and have fun with the whole thing.  Thank you!  With that, here are some pictures that tell the rest of the story....

Here, we go!  Livy and Rae have been waiting a long time to do this!

My favorite Nurse's Aid is a pro!

Are you ready?

Ta da!!!....


...  Ok, ok, really...

Ta Da!!!

My favorite Nurse who helped make the experience fun for the whole family


  1. Hi John,

    I'm glad the girls got to be apart of this! You look great! And it truly does look like you all had fun!


  2. What a great play-by-play commentary! I like the mohawk! Now you'll need some knit caps to keep your head warm. Glad to see that your sense of humor is going strong. We think about you every day.


  3. Yo Johnny, Olivia and Rachel
    Good job! Your Dad now looks like all the other Martinez's who have or are loosing their hair! Tio John = Bonz, now.

    Elated to hear you are feeling better, glad Rae and Livy went to see you.

    Love, Keep the Faith!


  4. Hi John,

    The smile on the girls faces says it all. I'm loving the new look and it's even better since you got it on your own terms - go team Martinez!

    Love, cindy

  5. Hi Johnny,
    You look great! All you needed with that mohawk is some gold chains! Love, Laura

  6. Hi John,
    We are thinking of you and praying for you. So glad that the girls were able to be there for this big day. You guys are truly blessed to have so much laughter ...we love you, Theresa, Olivia, and Rae Rae. All our love and prayers...Kristi, Ben, Will & Ryan.
