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Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 18 - Flying High with Inspiration!


I was flying high with inspiration from a special visitor today, but I will get to that in a bit.  I was also flying high with my blood pressure which went up a bit due to all the fluids I am getting...a little Lasix will do the trick and keep me going for the next 6 hours ;-).

I tried to get my ESPN channel working today, but seems the hospital is having issues with their satellite provider, so NO, will not get to watch my Steelers beat the Bengals tonight...I am working on trying to get a streaming radio station going, but security on this hospital network is tight!

Theresa and Cindy came by for lunch today and gave me all the details of the girls morning.  It is great to have Cindy in town this week.  They are going to a Veteran's day choir performance tonight that Olivia is singing in.  Olivia also has a solo performance on Wednesday night at her school for a choir fundraiser.  Belt it out baby!!!

Steve, a good friend and neighbor from the hood came by for a nice surprise visit this morning.  He offered to take me out to a bar, but the nurse said no.  Thanks for trying Steve!  He got in trouble a couple of times cause he was making me laugh while the nurse was trying to take my blood pressure...always making trouble.  Sorry I did not get a pic Steve, but thank you so much for the time and well wishes today!

Steve's wife Shannon had introduced me over email to a co-worker and friend of hers who was diagnosed with AML in 2004.  Eric went through 2 rounds of chemo just like me to get into a first remission.  Eric had to go through another round when his AML came back, then he received a bone marrow transplant in 2006 and has been in remission since then!!! Amazing and very inspirational!!!  Eric was traveling out to the West coast for work and to see family and was so nice of him to come by and visit me in person today.  Eric spent a couple of hours talking with me and Theresa about his experience beating AML.  With all the strength I have received from family and friends, Eric's visit put me over the top.  His positivity and energy about staring this disease down had me flying high with inspiration!  Eric, thank you so much for your visit and for everything you shared with Theresa and I.  When I get through all this, I will be taking you up on that Tahoe ride!

Love you all,


  1. Nice John, sounds like you had a great day. I am glad to hear you are getting all your friends and family to visit you and give you the positive love.

    Keep the Faith!


  2. We love reading your posts! Obviously your fight had inspired the 'Steelers' win over the 'Bengals'. Keep up the good fight!

  3. John,
    It's good to see you doing so well. Keep up the fight, you'll beat this nasty disease. Stay strong!

