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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 13 - Restful and Restless

Thank you all for the posts on Day 12!  It was a big day and as one friend put it, it's all about beating this thing to the punch :-) 

Got more platelets on day 13 and got some much needed rest.  Theresa came by for lunch and although I had to take more benadryl today I was able to actually hold a conversation with her which was a great boost of my strength. 

The hardest thing about all this is not seeing Theresa and the girls everyday and not being involved in the day to day husband and dad stuff.  However, that restless feeling also fuels my strength and hope more and more everyday to beat this damn thing!!!  Some friends of ours have  a friend that has been in remission for 4 years post bone marrow transplant for AML!  He put it best in very inspirational email he sent me, "I have my babies, I had no option [but to beat AML]."  I can't agree more!!!

Dr. Bob Gordon came by for a nice visit and let me know that he had donated blood in my name (doesn't mean I will get his blood, but someone who needs it will)...thank you Bob!!!  To see how you can donate blood, check out the American Red Cross.

I had some good friends come by this evening for a very nice visit which helped lift my spirits... Thank you Sharron, Joe, Wes and Kristi!

Tomorrow I get a bone marrow biopsy to see if the malignant cells in my bone marrow are gone.  The results may take a few days but the hope is that the malignant cells are gone and I am in chemo induced remission and I can start the process of getting my name in the National Donor Registry to find an unrelated bone marrow donor.  If there are still a few malignant cells hanging, we'll zap'em with another course of chemo and repeat the process in a couple of weeks.

Thank you all for your love and support, they have made day 13 come and go quickly with a lot of strength!!!


  1. Good luck with your tests John. Our best wishes go out to you, Theresa and the girls every day. Pretty soon Cindy will be out there; she can't wait!


  2. Good morning John,

    I know how much your dread this particular test so I pray for it to be quick, as painless as possible and cancer free! I know I've said it before...your doing great and you are an inspiration to all of us.

    Love, cindy

  3. Thank you Cindy and Larry! Love you guys!

  4. John, I wish I was a BLOG GEEK; but I'm not, (and I had to call Sharon to work this out), LOL, but I'm trying to communicate and tell you I love you, and am praying that our Lord heals you, cuz the world needs you, and your friends need you, and I NEED a HUG - and Laura needs one too.

  5. We are praying for good results. Thinking about you and sending love. Sharon and Joe

  6. Hi John!

    This blog is incredible. Everyday I check it to follow your progress. You are doing Great! Hang in there. It's so nice to see what a loving caring family you have.

    We miss you over here at CareFusion. Hurry up and get better! :-)

    Stephanie Bambrook

  7. Hey Johnny,
    Keep the Faith, the cells will be gone, test will show!
    You got a trip to the Rose Bowl if the Wildcats go, they have to get through Stanford, USC, and Oregon. It's destined to be.

    Love hearing your updates and progress.


