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Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 48 - I'm HOME!!!

Yes, I am home!  I am officially in REMISSION and now ready for some rest with my family at home!  I will be spending the weekend with my family to get settled and ease into being back at home and will ease into getting visitors. I will be going into the out-patient clinic daily to continue to receive my Ampho B treatment for the next two weeks in order to keep the Valley Fever in check.

The preliminary search for my bone marrow donor was run today and has yielded over a dozen potential matches!!!  Wow, I am truly blessed.  The next step is for the Bone Marrow Transplant team to work with the National Marrow Registry in finding the best possible match out of all those potential matches.  Amazing!!!  Given the amount of potential matches, it is very possible I can be back as soon as January for my Bone Marrow Transplant if they can locate the appropriate donor in a good amount of time and get all the appropriate testing completed. 

I am so blessed to be ending this part of my journey with all the love, prayers, strength and support from family, friends, co-workers, the BMT staff here at Scripps, and even complete strangers!!!

This will be my last post given I have reached my destination on this winding and sometimes bumpy road to AML Remission.

My focus now will be on family and physically/mentally preparing myself for the next journey on the road to Bone Marrow Transplant!!! 

I will begin a new blog when that time comes, but until then, God bless you all and I send you all infinite thanks for all that you have done for me and my family! 

Love you all!  Happy Holidays!!!


  1. Absolutely fantastic news, John!!! I am celebrating with you! And can only imagine how you and your family must feel today as this hard fought milestone is achieved. On to the new year, new resolve, and a time to deliver the knockout punch, my friend! You are doing it!!!

  2. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Fantastico! Way to go John Martinez Family! And Friend and family.

    Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!

    Love you,


  4. Fabulous! We're thrilled to hear your outstanding news, John. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the entire family.
    Larry, Julia, and Danny

  5. That is wonderful John. It is great to hear this news. Have a great and well deserved weekend with your family. Hope your donor matches work perfectly and you are back in the office very shortly.


  6. Wow. Great news John. What a nice Christmas present. Rest up and I hope to see you soon.

    -Jeff D

  7. Good to know that you are back home John.
    I wish you all the best and a matching donor soon in 2011. Serge B.

  8. Dear John:

    Many thanks to Dr. Martinez for his recent update. By coming back to your Blog, I learned just how much I have missed out on your courageous journey!

    Congratulations on:

    - Having officially sent AML into remission! and
    - The "exact match" Bone Marrow awaiting you!

    Great job, John!

    After a few searches, I assumed that you have not started another Blog yet. Please let me know when you do.

    Wish you and the family a Happy & Healthy New Year!

    With Love,
    Vic Hsiao

    (949) 939-8129
