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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 10 Another bump

Hi friends and family,
Happy Halloween! It's Theresa here.  I'm helping John add to his blog today because he is not feeling too well.  The effects of the chemo are beginning to show.  He has a fever and feels like he has the flu. Our girls were going to come visit John today in  their costumes , but we will have to wait another day.  Please continue to pray for John.  Thank you for all your support and kindness!! Have a fun Halloween! This is John's favorite holiday....damn cancer.   
Theresa (and John)
ps. John still has his hair :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 9 - I love weekends!

Day 9 started with waking up from a good night's sleep after a long day 8.  The redness and swelling in my arm went down and only a little pain was left.  It rained here in San Diego this morning, but the clouds cleared just as I was eating breakfast so I enjoyed a beautiful view of Torrey Pines and the Pacific!

Kaila and Calista in full Costume!

I took a little walk around the lobby and put my votes in for the pumpkin contest the hospital had going on out there.  My favorite was the South Park theme, but the Cinderella one was nice too.

The Mellos came by last night and Kaila and Calista showed off their cute Halloween costumes and brought by a nice family picture book that I mentioned in yesterday's post.

I had a few dizzy spells in the morning due to dehydration, so I got back on my D-D-D to get some fluids.  My appetite is still very good and the food is definitely tasting foody again :-d  I have noticed my energy level is about 1/3rd of what it was last week, but that is normal and due to my white cell counts basically being down to zero.  Rest, reading, college football (Arizona beat UCLA...Go Cats!), and visitors were just the right thing today.

Sandy, T and Me
I forgot to post Sandy's picture from the other day when she visited and brought me all the fortune cookies and Bombay for my IV...sorry Sandy!

T and Me getting Comfy
My daughter Olivia and Theresa came to see me today.  Olivia need help with some math so it was fun to be in the thick of homework again!!!   Theresa and Olivia looked beautiful and made the perfect lunch guests!  It was a picture perfect afternoon!

Mike, Max, Me and Olivia
My brother Michael and my nephew Max came by for a visit and we had fun talking about high school football, school, bowel movements, and gas ;-).  One our neighbor's son Stephen plays for Scripps Ranch High School and they played my brother's team (Mike is the head varsity coach at Patrick Henry High School).   Unfortunate, my Alma mater Patrick Henry lost (don't worry Mike I wont post the score),  but Stephen's dad Ken grabbed a cool picture after the game with my brother (Stephen, the big guy in the middle, Mike third from right).  Thanks Ken, awesome picture...what you feeding that boy?!

T, Max, Me and Olivia

Stephen and my Bro

My buddy Barry and his daughter Erica came buy for a nice visit just after Theresa and Olivia left.  I did what any dad's friend would do and gave Erica a hard time about her boyfriend Connor.  Sorry I forgot to grab a picture, but you get an IOU next time you come visit!  We talked about plans for the Halloween fun in the neighborhood, which should be interesting given Dave C. does not work on Monday...make it fun and interesting Dave, I know you won't let us down!!!

I rounded out the day with a call from my Compira Larry and Comadre Cindy (Rachel's God parents).  Cindy will be coming out in about a week to help Theresa when my Mom goes back to Paso Robles to check in on her glass business. Thank you Cindy and we can't wait to see you!  Cindy and Larry are University of Texas alum, so I hope Texas beats Baylor like Arizona beat UCLA today!  Hook'em Horns!!!

Love you all, have a great night and an awesome weekend!

Day 8 - A little bumpy

Day 8!  Will be finishing the Ara-C today...woo hoo!  I had lost of visitors today which was awesome!  Also had some blood clot drama...but more on that later...first, the fun stuff!

 My mother-in-law,Loretta (Senora), came by for a visit and so did Laura, my sister-in-law.  It was so nice to see them both.  Senora brought me the most beautiful Rosary from Fatima.  Thank you so much senora!  I hold it when I say prayers everyday!

Janet and Joao
Our friends and neighbors, Janet and Joao stopped by for a visit today and brought me a nice Sports Illustrated Football Book (coffee table size!) will allow me to bone up on my football trivia since I am always being tested by my nephew Tommy!  Thank you DaSilva's!!!

Rich and Jo
Also, our friends Rich and Jo Nye came by for a very nice visit today!  I was treated with a beautiful card and some yummy Nothing Bundt Cake mini cakes! We had a great time talking and Theresa got to see them too when she came by.  Once I learn more about who to contact regarding a bone marrow drive, I will definitely let you and Sami know Jo!  Thank you!!!

Sharron, Joe, Wes, Krsiti
 Our friends and neighbors, Wes, Kristi, Joe and Sharron came by today for a nice visit as well!  Thank you Wes and Kristi for the nice card and the cookies!!!  Joe and Sharron, thank you for the magazines, books and blueberry muffins!  Yum!!!  You guys made me laugh so much thank you!

Pete, Sherri, Kaila and Calista came to visit and I got to hang out in the lobby without my D-D-D!  They brought me the most amazing picture book of my family over the past 2 years!  It really touched me and gives me something to look at and share with other visitors and caregivers to show them what an amazing family I have!!!

On the health front, as I mentioned earlier I finished up the chemo at about 4:30pm today!!!  Good thing, cause this morning the doctor ordered an ultrasound of my arm and shoulder due to some pain that has gradually gotten worse over the past few days.  Turns out I have a couple of blood clots in my right arm and shoulder.  Likely they were caused by the catheter (PICC line) that has been inserted for a week to deliver chemo.  The timing could not have been better to get it taken out.  Removing the PICC line will prevent the clots from getting larger and my body will absorb the clots over time. Only bummer is that I will have to get stuck when they draw blood, but I have good veins so no problemo. My arm swelled up a bit, got warm and was tender from the blood clot that had formed but it too will pass.

On the good side I will not have to wheel my D-D-D around with me everywhere once the PICC line comes out and the chemo is done!!!  Woo hoo!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 7 - Another day of family and friends, and then some ;-)

Grandma Joyce!
Day 7 is winding to an end and I had some great visitors today!  Grandma Joyce came to see me this morning and I also talked with my Grandma Lucy on the phone this morning...Oh it was so nice to hear Grandma Lucy and see Grandma Joyce.  Grandma Joyce made me laugh, which is just what I needed!!!  Thank you!

Ghoulish Goodies!
Theresa came for lunch and and our friend Sandy came by for a very nice visit.  Theresa  brought me some ghoulish goodies and cards from the girls.  Thank you Babies, just what I needed to spruce up the place!!!

Bombay Sapphire Infusion :-)
Sandy brought Theresa and I our favorite beverages, a sweet card, and some fortune cookies!!!  My nurses already got me set, so that next time I have a hangover feeling, its for real ;-).

Love you all!

Day 7 - One more dose to go!

Good morning everyone!  Wow, what a beautiful morning!!!  Today, is Day 7 of my chemo, which means the last dose of Ara-C. My blood counts are all dropping as is expected, but overall I have tolerated the chemo well, which is attributed to me being otherwise healthy and all your thoughts and prayers!!!

For my colleagues at work, I want to let you know I have had a buddy following me around for 7 days Alaris Pump (two LVP's connected, one running continuously now for 7 days!!!).  It goes with me on my walks, to the rest room and even to bed :).

I have nicknamed it "D-D-D", for Dependable Drug Deliverer!  :-)

When I finish my last dose of Ara-C tomorrow afternoon, I won't have to take my DDD everywhere I go, but it will  be there waiting, just in case I need an antibiotic or another boost of chemo. 

Go Pyxis!
There is works stuff all around and I took pic of the med room where all the Pyxis Med stations are!  It really makes me proud to work with a team that makes care for patients safe and effective...keep up the good work CareFusion!!!

Day 6 - Out for the count :-)

Barry, Gigi, T & Me!
Got a few more visitors mid day 6 which was great.  Our great friends Barry and Gigi came by this morning and Theresa was here so we could all get caught up!  Thank you Barry and Gigi for coming by to hang!

The Farace family brought me some pasta and meatballs that hit the spot for lunch.  Thank you Carmela, Luigi, Lou and Rosali!

My sister-in-law Mia came by and brought me some fun goodies to pass the day and we got a chance to catch up while Theresa was here to.  Theresa got to enjoy some of the pasta and meatballs for lunch as well.

Richie and Me

Rick Farace stopped by for a visit and cracked me up as usual.  While he was here the nurses gave me some Compazine for nausea and that's all she wrote, I was "out for the count"!  Took away the nausea and laid me out for the rest of the day...whew!, strong stuff.  They will try something a little milder next time I get nauseous as I did not like getting knocked out for that long!  I tried fighting it all evening, but would end up eyes closed and fast a sleep every time I tried :)

On the health front, started a Neutropenic diet today, which will minimize any chance of infection coming from my food.  No fresh fruit, fresh veggies, everything must be cooked then served right away or packaged.  Food selections are still very good and I am keeping my weight up which is great!

God bless and thank you for all the thoughts and prayers!  They are working!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 6 - Feeling hung over, but without the Martini's

Good morning, Well Day 6 definitely has started with me feeling a bit different.  It feels like a mild hangover (post 2 Martinis and maybe a few beers, kinda feeling)...I miss my Martini's so I am pretending, I had a really good one last night and I am now paying for it :)...thinking that way helps me justify the mild headache and nausea :)

Here are some photo's (sorry, IPhone is not the best camera, but captures the view well):
Day 6 - Morning on Torrey!

Sunset on Day 5

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 5 - Photo shoot

My Love!
Today was a good day.  Got a good night rest last night and was ready for day 5.  Theresa came by in the morning and brought me goodies!  She is being so strong and is getting a lot of support from family and friends.  Thank you so much everyone!

Started day 5 of the Ara-C today, so two more days to go.  My Dr. came by today and he says I am tolerating the chemo well given I am young and healthy, but did say the next few days will get tougher as my red, white and platelette cells come down to zero levels.  I have had 3 red cell transfusions, but will likely be needing platelette and packed white cells later as well. 

Lot's of freinds and family have asked about donating blood products for me.  Thank you so much!!! Although you can not donate for a specific person, I encourage you to donate blood to your local American Red Cross (to find out where you can donate, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733 2767). 

The excitement for today was that my Dr. asked me to be in a photo shoot for the Scripps Research Institute of Genomics...he was examining me and talking while a photographer snapped way (I signed a consent of course and will post the photos when the photographer sends them to me)...Any way I can help the cause! :-)

Good night everyone and thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers!
Love, John

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 4 - No Monday Night Football?!

Dr. Bob Gordon and me!
No Monday Night Football reception on the satellite tonight!  What a bummer!  But I had a great visit from Dr. Bob Gordon, my brother's father-in-law.  Bob brought me a book, "Earth" by Jon Stewart, which I have heard is great, so I will be settling to reading that tonight instead of Monday Night Football.  Thank you so much for the visit and the book Bob!!!

On the health front, food aint tasting so foody any more, but I am still putting it down!!!  Woof, woof!  Need to keep the weight up.  Feeling a bit light headed this evening, so a little reading and rest is just what I need.  Got my 4th dose of Ara-C started tonight...all done with the Daunorubicin as of yesterday.

Have a good night!

Day 4 - Feeling well

New dudds!

Doing well today, will be getting another blood transfusion given HGB was running low.  Also got new gowns today...check'm out...the green reminds me of the golf course!

Talked to doctor, transplant coordinator, and social worker this morning, so got lot's of new information.

Also talked to hospital IT and their policies are pretty strict regaring allow skype and other stuff due to their security policy.  I will manage!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 3 - Blogging beginner

Having fun with the blogging, but the wireless network does not allow me to see the images, working with IT on that manana!  So please be patient if images are not oriented right or size is not right...I'll get those details worked out :)

Day 1 - Getting ready to start the fight

Got my PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) placed after lunch today.  The nurse doing the PICC placement was excellent and it went very well.  There is a thin hollow tube that is inserted in a vein in my right arm (bicep) and is fed to the anterior vena cava that leads to my heart.  This line allows the chemotherapy drugs (more on that later) to be administered and mixed in my blood stream without risk of irritating my skin as would be the case with a regular IV.

So far I have been cared for by an excellent team on with excellent technology (Pyxis Med Stations, Alaris Pumps, and Chloraprep).

This looks familiar!

In good hands!

So starting on my chemotherapy cocktail tonight.  A combo of high-dose daunorubicin and Ara-C.  I will be on the daunorubicin for 3 days and the Ara-C for 7 days.  This combo cocktail gives me the best chance of getting in to remission.

Getting late and getting tired so will be signing off for today.

Day 3 - More of the right and friends!

Today was awesome!  More family and friends to draw strength and love from!!!  Lot's of great pictures below.  Got a visit from my brother in-law Joe this morning who took our dog Gabe out for a nice walk today...I know Gabe enjoyed it!  Thank you for everything Joey (including the Rolling Stone magazines)!

Gabe out for a romp with Uncle Joey

My good friends from the hood, Barry, Dave, and Tod also came by to harass me and the nurses :-)...we had a great time catching up, monitoring out Fantasy Football league, busting each others chops, and yes, watching the Charges loose again.  That's OK though, I'm a Steeler fan, and they one today.  Thanks for all the goodies guys (the John Adam's DVD, the Lincoln book, and the mullet wig and trucker hat)!  My father-in law tried on the mullet for laughs :).

My Buddies

Pedro with Mullet

My in-laws, Pedro and Loretta, and brother-in-law's Greg and Anthony came by too and gave me some wonderful healing and daily prayers.  Thank you so much Senor and Senora! My step dad Jim left back to Paso Robles today, but left my Mom Rena to stay and help Theresa.  Thank you Jimmy!

My brother Mike, his wife Mia, my sister-in-law Laura, my nephews Max and Tommy, and my nieces Sophie and Izzy came by too.  It was so great to see you all, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Mi Familia!

Mi Goofy Familia!

Izzy & Tommy


Livy & Rae

Sohie & Max

Mike & Mia

On the health front, I got my third and final dose of the daunorubicin today and got started on my third day of the Ara-C.  Still feeling very good and no symptoms from the chemo yet.  I say yet, because I know that is coming and the nurses have been explaining a lot to me and my wife to prepare us.  Towards the end of this week, I may be getting very tired, maybe mouth sores, and of course my white, red, and platelet cells will all drop.  Mostly I will feel tired, but I am very comfortable here in my room with a view of Torrey Pines and the Pacific ocean!

God bless you all thank thank you again for your strength and love!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 2 - Friends and Family!...the best medicine!

Go Patriots!
It was great to get a lot of visitors this afternoon!  My brother Mike and sister-in-law Mia came by. Mike brought a nice Patrick Henry High School hat (my alma mater)...that will come in  handy soon :-).


Our good friends Sherri and Pete also came by with their daughters Calista and Kaila and dropped off a nice picture of me, Theresa and the girls at the Hope, Steps, & a Cure walk in Los Angeles in January 2010.

Hopes, Steps & Cure Walk, LA 2010

My Mom, step-dad Jim, Theresa, Olivia and Rachel all came by as well and we passed the afternoon away in the hall-way near the lobby.  Unfortunately, the girls can't come to my room given their age, but we made our self comfortable with some chairs that the nursing staff brought out to us.

Mama & the Girls

My Princesses

My Family
 I am feeling great.  I received a blood transfusion this afternoon and started my next dose of Ara-C and Daunorubicin just about an hour ago.  Tolerating it well.

Day 2 - Restful

This morning has gone well and I feel very good.  I had a good night sleep and feel very rested even though my pump was noisy, my bed auto inflates every 5 minutes, and the nurses came in about every 2 hours...thank goodness for sleeping pills!

I took a nice shower, ate breakfast and took a couple of walks around the ward...need to keep up my strength and I miss my walks with my dog Gabe.

Theresa and the girls are coming soon, so I am very excited and can't wait to see them!

On the health front, hemoglobin is low today, so I will be getting a blood transfusion later today.  This will help me feel even better!

Take care!
Love John

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 1 - Checking in and getting settled

Torrey Pines GC
 Checked in to my home away from home...what a view!!!  A golfer's dream!  The 9th fairway on Torrey Pines South, a view of the Pacific ocean, and some hand gliders.

First things first though before I get back out on the course.  I got all kinds of tests (blood, x-ray, ultrasound, echo-cardiogram) right away and my Hematologist/Oncologist visited me and explained my marching orders to knock this Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) into remission!

My strength and love!